Michelle Kelly is a practising Occupational Therapist who has worked in the field of Paediatrics within the NHS for over 20 years. Her specialist area is the field of babies and infants, 0-5 years, with complex medical and developmental needs. Michelle decided to expand her skill set to include infant massage as within her work she noted the positive impact touch pressure had on the children she worked with. It regulated their body systems, provided sensory input, calmed down over activity and improved their ability to focus and participate in daily living activities.
Michelle chose to train with the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) as it is a reputable worldwide organisation. The organisation itself was formed in 1981, although the founder, Vimala McClure, developed the infant massage course in 1976. To date the same course is being taught in over 70 countries around the world and as such it is well researched and well evidenced.
Due to Michelle’s years of experience as a Paediatric Occupational Therapist the value of the infant massage course is enhanced by her specialist knowledge of atypical motor development, sensory processing, and extensive clinical skills.
Michelle holds the following qualifications & memberships:
The practice of baby massage is a centuries old tradition in many cultures around the world, particularly in Asia and Africa. Since the 1990s it has gained popularity in Western countries. Through specific rhythmical strokes, tactile stimulation and nurturing holds babies’ and parents experience a myriad of benefits. As a Certified Infant Massage Instructor with the IAIM Michelle teaches strokes using techniques drawn from Indian and Swedish massage and the practice of yoga and reflexology. The course is unique in that it is cue based and therefore baby led. Cues are how babies non-verbally communicate. Parents are taught to observe their babies body language and interpret cues to enhance understanding of their wants and needs. Nurturing touch be it massage, holding, or cuddling strengthens the bond between baby and parent and contributes positively to the child’s health, emotional and social development.
The benefits of baby massage go beyond relaxation and the positive outcomes extend to the parents (birth, foster or adoptive).
For baby:
For parents:
Prior to the start of the course, parents will have an initial consultation with Michelle. This ensures that the content is tailored specifically for individual needs.
The course runs over 5 weeks, and each class lasts approximately 60 minutes. Each week strokes for different parts of the body are taught leading up to a full body massage. Parents are also taught a targeted routine for the relief of colic/gas and gross motor enhancing positions for the pre-walker. Supporting information and theory is also included to deepen parents understanding of the strokes and application. Weekly handouts are given to remind parents of the strokes taught, and a comprehensive handbook is provided.
Cost of Baby Massage Sessions at MUMS
£60 per session
Michelle states: “I am genuinely passionate about the value and benefits of infant massage, and it is a joy to teach. For me it is the epitome of job satisfaction to see mothers (and fathers) feeling confident, competent, and empowered in understanding their babies’ cues and using massage as a means of communication and to relieve discomfort.
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