Stage | Pricing | |
Stage 1 | Initial Assessment
- with Consultant Psychiatrist
- Capacity and Consent - Addenbrookes Assessment - Bristol Activities of Daily Living Scale |
£450 |
Tests and Diagnostics
- includes U&Es, FBC, TSH, LFT, Glucose, B12 & Folate, Vit D and Calcium
- Urine Dipstick, ECG - Referral for MRI or CT1 |
£300 | |
Stage 2 | Brain CT or MRI
- Payment direct to hospital
- Usually £500 - £700 - Scan report sent to MUMS Consultant Psychiatrist |
Payment direct to hospital |
Stage 3 | Follow Up Diagnosis Appointment
- with Consultant Psychiatrist
- Comprehensive report and all test results - Treatment options discussion - Further appointment for starting medication scheduled |
£450 |
Later | Starting Medication Appointment | £235 |
1 If the 1st assessment/consultation/diagnostics show that there is no cognitive impairment, memory loss or dementia traits then there is nothing else to pay and a report will be sent ascertaining as to why CT/MRI and follow up is not required.
MUMS expert team of dementia diagnosis experts led by Dr Mhairi Rahim, Consultant Psychiatrist include Radiologists, Cardiologists, Stroke specialists, Nurses, health care assistants, and phlebotomists. Our team offer you and your loved ones a comprehensive memory and dementia assessment and diagnosis. The service is offered to adult men and women aged 65 and over with at least a 4-month history of memory concerns. MUMS Psychiatrist will assume that patients have sufficient capacity to decide to have this assessment unless there is significant evidence to suggest otherwise.
MUMS is a CQC regulated, highly reputable diagnostic treatment centre that is designed to meet your individual needs. The Psychiatry led comprehensive assessment will help you understand the type of dementia if any you or your loved one has. Then if applicable to a diagnosis for memory loss and treatment. The clinic follows the gold standard assessment process which includes:
Consultant Psychiatrist Assessment
Our Older Adult Psychiatrist, Dr Mhairi Rahim at initial assessment will take a comprehensive history of the memory loss and background history. This evaluation lasts one hour is tailored to excluding other causes for memory loss and indications for investigations. She specialises in dementia diagnosis for Alzheimer’s Disease, Cerebrovascular disease, Lewy Body disease, frontotemporal dementia, Mild neurocognitive disorder and dementia due to other specified causes and will oversee all stages of the assessment.
If at the initial appointment, we assess that another issue needs addressing first we may discuss these options before proceeding with the memory pathway.
Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination III (ACE III)
This screening test comprising of attention, orientation, memory, language, visual perceptual and visuospatial skills tests is scheduled at a time to best suit the service user and their family/carer. The assessment will be carried out by a trained nursing assistant and takes around 30 minutes to complete.
The Addenbrookes assessment is recognised as the most appropriate validated tool for use in specialist memory services in the United Kingdom (Hodges & Larner, 2017)
It is important to bear in mind that the questionnaire and memory tests are designed to help our clinicians better understand each patient, and there is no pressure to perform well or get everything correct.
Bristol Activities of Daily Living Scale (BADLS)
This questionnaire is completed by a relative or carer. It is an informant rating scale specifically designed for use in the community as a short assessment of functional ability. The BADLS was developed for people with dementia, primarily to provide a baseline assessment and identify changes over time in activities of daily living. This aspect is crucial to the diagnosis of dementia alongside other tests.
Pathology to rule out physical causes that can affect cognitive performance:
Our Health Care Assistant performs an ECG to test your heart and monitor heart activity.
If after the first appointment – MUMS Psychiatrist feels there is a need to continue the process to establish a cause for memory loss or dementia diagnosis we organise a CT/MRI of the brain. These detailed brain scans can show areas of atrophy, or shrinkage, in the brain. The scan can also help differentiate between different types of Dementia, by showing differences in the patterns of brain changes. This provides objective, measurable information about the structure of the brain.
A brain scan is a straightforward test that will allow our clinicians to quickly spot any anomalies, brain shrinkage, or signs of dementia. We have arrangements with several private scanning facilities, and we will arrange a referral or appointment for scans at the hospital most convenient to you.
Prior to this appointment we will have all your results available to be reviewed and discussed in detail with you.
At your appointment the Consultant will explain all your results which will result in a formulation of your difficulties and a comprehensive diagnosis if applicable. The clinician will then discuss what to expect going forward and any options for treatment and therapy. We will also signpost to local and national supplementary services.
If the diagnosis is concluded as Alzheimer’s disease options for drug treatment will be discussed and further information given for you and your family to consider. *A further prescribing appointment can then be arranged if you decide to further explore and trial this option.
If a diagnosis is not initially clear and further input from a psychologist, stroke specialist, neurologist or blood tests are needed, additional charges may be required for a follow-up appointment.
Following this appointment Dr Mhairi Rahim will produce a final report outlining the agreed diagnosis. This comprehensive document draws together all the different sources of information to explain the diagnostic decision reached. The report is usually be produced within 5 days of your appointment. It will be sent to yourselves and on to the patient’s GP. When appropriate we will work with your GP to create a post-diagnostic plan which can be used to set out the care needs of the patient.
Dr Mhairi will consult and prescribe medication via a private prescription. At 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 6 months & 12-month (Annual thereafter) intervals, we now have a series of follow-up appointment to undertake further memory and general functioning assessments. During this appointment we can assess how the medication has worked, understand if there have been any side effects that we need to consider or treat, and then provide a further prescription of medication to last until the next appointment. After which care can usually be transferred to your NHS GP who locally we have a shared care agreement.
It is considered important to comprehensively assess and establish the cause of memory loss whilst excluding and reversible factors. We can arrive at a diagnosis of dementia and categorise the type of dementia. MUMS Consultant Psychiatrist offers expert led care, diagnosis and care plans for:
We organise the whole process and encourage family or carers to be at each stage. The assessment process requires the consent and cooperation of the patient. In rare cases if they lack capacity due to the degree of their impairment the assessment may be carried out in their best interests to allow care needs to be tailored and help others understand their needs.
The comprehensive report is yours to share with other clinicians and services to aid in the development of your personalised care plan to address your changing needs and circumstances. This includes NHS clinicians and care providers to enhance the much-needed continuity of care.
At MUMS, we are committed to offering specialised, expert-led diagnostic services that support individuals and families facing the challenges of dementia and mental health in older age. We pride ourselves on offering clarity and understanding using proven diagnostics. Whether you're seeking a dementia diagnosis, or guidance on memory concerns in older age, we offer comprehensive guidance to make informed decisions about the future
Our service mission is to deliver expert, multidisciplinary diagnostic services that enable individuals and families to understand their mental and cognitive health. We are committed to accuracy, timeliness, and sensitivity in all our assessments, ensuring that everyone’s needs are met with the highest standards of professionalism and care.
Due to demand on budgets and pressure on services pathways for NHS memory services and care are fragmented and often initially nurse led. As there are multiple causes for memory loss navigating the different services one step at a time is both confusing and time-consuming. Waiting for test results and follow up appointments in the NHS often takes a long time. Our service includes all that is needed to reach an accurate diagnosis at a fixed price.
If Dementia is diagnosed early, more can be done to live well with the condition. Diagnosis offers patients, family and carers an understanding of the persons difficulties in the context of their own lives. A diagnosis allows for future planning such as power of attorney and wills whilst the person retains capacity. And if appropriate medications can be initiated.
MUMS Memory Clinic was created to provide you with the assessments, diagnosis and treatment that you need to deal with dementia quickly, that also works around your lifestyle. If you are concerned about yourself or a loved one, please contact us to book an appointment. Our bookings team are experienced and understanding, and happy to help you in any way they can.
For an elderly person suffering with memory loss, we recognise that this can be a scary or troubling time. Our clinicians and staff are all experienced and highly skilled, and we will do everything we can to make sure you or your loved one feel comfortable and safe for the duration of the assessment.
All adults are presumed to have sufficient capacity to decide on their own medical treatment, unless there's significant evidence to suggest otherwise.
Capacity is assessed and if the patient lacks capacity and unable to decide about this diagnostic assessment – then MUMS Consultant Psychiatrist is trained to consider what is in the patients’ best interests and explain this to the relatives.
We offer 6 monthly follow up appointments to assess patients and understand if there have been any significant changes to be considered or treated. These appointments are 30 mins and cost £235. These appointments are useful – particularly if no medication has been prescribed following the initial assessment as further memory and general functioning assessments can change.
Medication can in appropriate patients delay progression of symptoms dementia and, subject to a diagnosis, is usually prescribed within a month of your initial booking.
There is currently no cure for dementia, but there are medicines and other treatments that can help with dementia symptoms.
Evidence shows that medication can have an important role in the treatment of certain types of dementia (Alzheimer’s Dementia, Mixed Alzheimer’s and Vascular dementia with predominant Alzheimer’s component, Dementia in Lewy body Disease-DLB and Parkinson’s dementia) seeking to address problems with cognition, activities of daily living and psychotic symptoms in DLB and Parkinson’s dementia.
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance states that a person can only start using these medications with a prescription from a specialist in dementia care.
Following the comprehensive assessment by our Consultant Psychiatrists and their team, including blood tests, formal assessments of memory skills and scans to rule out any reversible causes for the memory problems they can decide if medication is appropriate.
Our Consultant Psychiatrist can prescribe mediation if appropriate. As we are a private service, prescription charges would apply which you will be informed of prior to any medication being issued. This charge will be payable direct to the pharmacy.
MUMS Consultant Psychiatrist led team of highly trained experienced psychiatrists and dementia clinicians have years of experience to offer an effective dementia/memory service with trusted accurate diagnosis and treatment.
The NHS waiting times for dementia specialists and diagnosis is very frustrating when you want fast, reliable answers. MUMS are regulated and trusted now for over two decades, prioritising fast access to private care. Coventry, Warwickshire and Birmingham’s NHS waiting list for assessment is over 6 months and these services are often nurse led.
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