MUMS Consultant Gynaecologist, Miss Poonam Pradhan, offers HyCoSy to check tubal patency as part of our Fertility Service offering. This diagnostic test is designed to check that the fallopian tubes are not blocked.
This short procedure is used for investigating the cavity (inside) of the uterus and the fallopian tubes to ensure an egg can travel down them with ease. If either the cavity is abnormal or the tubes are damaged, it may be difficult to become pregnant.
A HyCoSy test will show if the fallopian tubes are open or blocked, and also if the cavity of the womb is normal or irregular due to of polyps or fibroids.
You will need to be checked for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea and other sexually transmitted diseases.
The cost for STI clearance prior to the procedure is £210.00
A HyCoSy fertility scan will be scheduled following STI clearance and a pregnancy test will be performed on the day of the procedure.
The best time to perform a HyCoSy is approximately day 5 to day 11 of a regular 28-day (monthly) menstrual cycle.
HyCoSy involves a baseline ultrasound scan using a vaginal probe, to assess the uterus and ovaries, and a speculum to see the cervix (neck of the womb). This is similar to a smear test. A thin plastic catheter is then inserted into the neck of the womb and then the speculum is removed.
Through this catheter, a small amount of special foam is inserted in the uterus. Whilst the foam is inserted into the uterus - another ultrasound scan is performed through the vagina, which allows Miss Pradhan to see the foam filing up the cavity of the womb and flowing through the fallopian tubes.
The procedure takes around 20 mins. It does not require an anaesthetic or sedation. After the procedure you will rest for 15 minutes.
This test cannot be performed when a woman is on her period or if she could be pregnant. HyCoSy can cause miscarriage.
HyCoSy is a safe procedure with only a 1% chance of getting an infection. To reduce this risk we normally give a course of prophylactic antibiotics after the procedure to avoid this.
HyCoSy is usually a well-tolerated procedure. In a small minority of cases, some women can feel faint or nauseous. This is caused by the rich nerve-supply of the cervix.
The cost is of the HyCoSy Fertility Test is £400.00
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