MUMS Private GPs offer Private Shingles vaccine to prevent shingles and post herpetic neuralgia for people over the age of 50. We also offer this to males and females aged over 18yrs who are at risk.
Two doses are required.
The cost of the vaccine is £250.00 per dose plus £50 for the vaccination appointment and consultation.
The total cost per dose is £300
The two doses are given 8 weeks apart.
The NHS offers shingles vaccination to adults aged over 65yrs.
Shingles is common. Shingles causes a very painful skin rash and can also cause other serious problems such as hearing loss and blindness. The older we get and the more weakened our immune system gets, the more likely we are to have serious problems if we get shingles.
The pain results from nerve involvement, rather than the rash itself. Symptoms of shingles include a rash that blisters, around the chest, back, abdomen and waist. It usually occurs only on one side of the body. Shingles usually lasts around 2–4 weeks. It is contagious until the blisters dry up and crust over.
We recommend having a private shingles vaccine to reduce your chances of getting shingles and to reduce the serious problems that shingles can cause. We especially recommend that those with a weakened immune system – are vaccinated against shingles.
Shingles can reoccur so we recommend the vaccine – even to those who have had shingles in the past.
Shingles vaccination is effective, but as with all vaccinations, 100% immunity is not guaranteed and side effects (which get better within a day or two), include – headache, fatigue, temperature, and flu-like symptoms.
Undergoing vaccination can offer protection from both chickenpox and shingles.
If you have had chickenpox – you can still get shingles
To book a shingles vaccine call 0121 704 2669. One of our friendly informative team will book this for you.
Our GPs are available 6 days per week. There are no waiting times, and we have ample parking and great patient reviews.
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