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HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Testing

Private and discreet sexual health testing

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10 day Early Detection Test £220
28 day HIV Duo test  £75
Rapid HIV test  £95

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Testing at MUMS Solihull

MUMS offer private and confidential sexual health testing 6 days a week at our clinic in Solihull. We offer a wide range of HIV Testing. You can choose to have HIV testing at MUMS with:

If you choose to have your test with one of our Health Care Assistant, then you will need a consultation with the GP or Sexual Health Consultant to have the results explained to you. If you book your test with a GP or Dr Hannah Church, Sexual Health Consultant – then you will be followed up free of charge to have the results explained to you.

HIV Tests and costs:

  • Early Detection – 10 days post exposure - HIV 1  £220
  • 28-day post exposure HIV 1 & 2 p24 Ag Duo test costs £75
  • Rapid HIV test with results in clinic costs £95

HIV testing is also included in our combined STI multiple tests.

What is it?

HIV is a retrovirus that can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

This syndrome causes our immune system to weaken and eventually demise – meaning that infections which would normally run its course – are severe and sometimes fatal.

Infection also may mean an increased risk of contracting other STIs.

There are two types of HIV, HIV-1, and HIV-2. In the United Kingdom, unless otherwise stated, the term “HIV” primarily refers to HIV-1.  HIV-2 diagnosis is more unusual in the UK, but if diagnosed can be managed. Both HIV 1 and HIV 2 are damaging to cells. This reduces the cells’ ability to fight off infection and disease. The HIV virus means that our body unable to respond to infections that, ordinarily would without the HIV virus.

Knowing your HIV status can protect your health and the health of others. Regular testing and retesting are advised if you continue to be at risk. A repeat test is recommended with every partner change.

How do you get it?

Complacency about HIV plays a key role in HIV risk. Transmission occurs through bodily fluids. This can happen during vaginal or anal sex or through sharing needles (including injecting drug use, injecting steroids, using drugs during sex, and needlestick accidents). Transmission can also occur from mother to baby either before or during birth or through breastfeeding.


The first symptoms of HIV can appear within six weeks of infection. After this many people may have no symptoms for years.

Common symptoms of HIV infection include:

  • Weight Loss
  • Diarrhoea
  • Rashes
  • Ulcers
  • Mouth and genitalia infections
  • Night sweats
  • Nausea
  • Appetite loss
  • Swollen glands

These symptoms can all be caused by conditions other than HIV. However, if some of these symptoms are experienced, it is a good idea to get an HIV test, especially if the patient has engaged in any high-risk activity, including:

  • sex with a new partner
  • sex without condoms
  • sex with commercial sex workers
  • injecting drugs
  • sex with multiple partners,
  • sex with someone who you know has HIV,
  • received a blood transfusion or surgery outside of the UK.

Incubation, results, and re-test

The incubation time and results turnaround time vary depending on which test is performed:

10-day HIV tests have an incubation period of 10 days.  The results take three working days from when the sample is received in the laboratory.

28-day HIV tests have an incubation period of 28 days.  The results take four hours from when the sample is received in the laboratory.

There are several rapid HIV tests available which have different incubation periods and different times taken to run the test.  Our instant rapid HIV test is an anti-body test which has a 45-day incubation period and takes 20 minutes to give an accurate reading.

Depending on which test you choose, and when your exposure was, you will be advised when best to retest to confirm the result. If in any doubt, please discuss with our Sexual Health and HIV Consultant to receive the most accurate advice.

What to do if the test is positive

There is currently no cure for HIV or AIDS.

Nowadays – HIV is not life threatening if it is detected early and managed by a specialist.

People with HIV who take treatment will remain healthy and should have a normal life expectancy.

Treatment consists of highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART), and advances continue to be made improving both quality of life and prognosis.  If you test positive for HIV you should have a repeat test and our Sexual Health Consultant will ensure you are seen in a specialist clinic.

Recent exposure and needle stick injuries

If you think you might have been exposed to the HIV virus, then discussion with our Sexual Health and HIV Consultant will allow you to establish the extent of the risk. Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) may be recommended.

Our Sexual Health Consultant, Miss Hannah Church, specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of HIV. Hannah can prescribe PEP which if started within 72 hours, can prevent HIV.

You can get PEP prescribed at MUMS, at a sexual health clinic or in the Accident & Emergency (A&E) department of most hospitals. 

Can I take any measures to stop HIV acquisition?

There are many measures you can take to stop HIV acquisition. This may include:

  • Use condoms during vaginal and anal sex.
  • Do not share needles.
  • If you think you have been exposed to HIV in the last 72 hours attend MUMS, sexual health clinics or A&E and ask about Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)
  • If you feel you may be at ongoing risk of HIV acquisition, please talk to our Sexual Health Consultant about Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP). This is a daily or on demand medication that you can take to prevent HIV acquisition.

MUMS is a specialist Consultant-led private medical practice based in Solihull, Birmingham. Please call our practice on 0121 704 2669 for further infromation.