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PSA and Stockholm 3 Prostate Cancer Testing

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PSA Test £120.00
PSA Profile (Total and Free PSA) £130.00
Complex PSA  £150.00
Stockholm3 for Prostate Cancer £395.00


MUMS Offer PSA (prostate antigen test) and Stockholm3 Prostate Cancer Test

MUMS offer the PSA and Stockholm3 test to help in diagnosing cancer of the prostate.

The PSA Test measures Prostate Specific Antigen in your blood reveals your PSA levels.

The Stockholm3 blood test helps predict the risk of prostate cancer in men aged 45-75 years combining genetic markers, proteins etc in an algorithm to identify prostate cancer.

The PSA Test

PSA is a protein made only by the prostate gland. Some of it leaks into your blood, but how much depends on your age and the health of your prostate.

There is no approved Prostate cancer screening programme currently, but Prostate cancer UK does recommend the following:

1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer. If you're , black, or your dad or brother had prostate cancer, then you're at even higher risk. Prostate cancer is not always life-threatening. The earlier you catch it the more likely it is to be cured. If you are in this age group and may or may not have urinary symptoms, then seeing a consultant urologist with adequate counselling, a simple PSA blood test can be very reassuring."


  • PSA test - £120.00 - Results available the following day
  • PSA Profile (Total and Free PSA) - £130.00 - Results available the following day
  • Complex PSA - £150.00 - Results available after 5 working days
  • Stockholm3 - £395 - Results available after 2 weeks

You have a higher risk of prostate cancer if you:

  • have a family history of prostate cancer
  • are of black ethnic origin
  • are overweight or obese

We measure the amount of PSA in your blood. Men aged 50-69 years old who have a PSA which is 3ng or higher need further investigations.

A PSA level which is raised could indicate prostate cancer. However – it could be attributed to an enlarged prostate, inflammation or even a urine infection.

If you have been experiencing bladder discomfort, urinating more frequently than normal, or are not producing your normal flow of urine when going to the toilet you should consider the simple PSA blood test.

About 3 in 4 men with a raised PSA level will not have cancer.

The benefits of having a simple prostate test are – reassurance, early detection, and risk reduction.

The Stockholm3 Test – Prostate Cancer

The Stockholm3 blood test helps predict the risk of prostate cancer in men aged 45-75 years combining genetic markers, proteins etc in an algorithm to identify prostate cancer.

This is a more sensitive test than the PSA and provides increased early detection.

It is more accurate than the PSA. Results take 2 weeks. A Stockholm3 risk score of >11 is an indicator of significant prostate cancer risk and therefore if the result is >11 – a referral to MUMS or any other Consultant Urologist is required.

PSA Testing cannot distinguish between aggressive and benign tumours.

The cost is £395.

You may decide you simply want to know your Stockholm3 risk result. In which case you can have a simple phlebotomy appointment for the Stockholm3 Test – which costs £30.00 + £395. for the Stockholm 3 Test. If the results are abnormal you will need to see our GP or Urology Consultant to review the results.

Mr Dev Sarmah offers a one stop prostate assessment service which includes a consultation with physical examination, urine dipstick, IPSS symptom score, Flow rate measurement in combination with real time ultrasound assessment and recommendation. The expected outcome from this service would be reassurance with fluid management, medical treatment for BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy), Urodynamic studies (bladder pressure studies ) or recommendation for Prostate surgery.

If you are not sure which prostate cancer test to have, we recommend a GP Consultation in which to have the test. A GP Consultation cost £100.00. If you choose a GP consultation, then you will be followed up free of charge.

You may also decide to consult with our Consultant Urologist in the first instance and have the test with the consultant – Mr Dev Sarmah who works at MUMS on Thursdays. Consultations with Mr Sarmah cost £235.00 which include a free of charge telephone call to have the results explained to you.

If you decide to have any of these tests you should refrain from ejaculation 48 hours before the test, exercise and be free from infections such as a urine infection.

We offer Testing 6 days per week. Booking is easy. You can book your private prostate cancer test online or call our friendly team on 0121 704 2669 or send us an enquiry. You can email us if you prefer –

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